Blesséd is He who comes in the name of the Lord,
the Bible says, and I am wondering if that is why
so many people say, "Oh God!" when they come.
Or perhaps it is because they get religion,
arriving at the Gates of Heaven heaving and
for a brief moment see the face of God a little bit.
“I am about to arrive,” an English woman
once said to me before she came.
It sounded so much classier than, “I’m coming.”
“Now?” I asked, and she arrived – a number of times,
from different directions, but always in the name of the Lord.
There have been occasions when I thought I was arriving,
but instead I just wet my pants and said,
"Oh shit!" which isn’t quite the same at all.
Both my ex-wives said it when we had sex,
especially in the waning years when the marriages
were failing and we were waiting for papers
from their attorneys to arrive.
They hardly ever came at all,
in the name of the Lord or otherwise,
and I don’t think it was because they were atheists.
Which got me to thinking about them and sex.
Do atheists say, “Oh God!” running the words together
all in lower case? “ohgod!” Or do they just say,
“Oh no god!” I wonder?
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